Introduction to
Estill Voice Training in Vancouver
$75 CAD
- November 5, 2023
- 1:00-5:00 p.m.
- Green Thumb Theatre 5522 Mckinnon St, Vancouver
*This 25% off coupon is for artists and students.
When registering for the course Estill International automatically offers the option to buy the Estill Voiceprint Plus software. It’s not necessary for the Introductory Workshop. I will have recommendations at the workshop for participants interested in helpful apps
- Voice Teachers seeking a teaching framework, enhanced teaching tools, diagnostic ability, and cross-genre expertise.
- Singers and Actors of all types seeking greater confidence, a greater palette of expression, increased cross genre ability and deeper technical understanding.
- Speech Therapists who want to increase their understanding of vocal function and increase their variety of techniques for therapeutic application.
- Choir Directors who want to achieve a more consistent choral sound and access a greater variety of vocal qualities.
- Repertoire Coaches who want a better technical understanding of the voice and the possibilities for their coaching practice.
- Amateur Singers and Choral Singers who want to expand their vocal abilities with a deeper understanding of the voice.
What This Workshop Offers
This workshop will introduce participants to the origins, evolution and structure of the Estill model. Using slides, audio examples and a comprehensive handout participants will have an introduction to the 13 Figures for Voice Control and the 6 Estill Voice Qualities. Participants will experience a practical application of 2 figures as they apply to speaking and singing. There will be an Q&A regarding Estill Voice Training as a problem-solving process for singers, teachers, therapists, actors and other vocations which depend on enhanced vocal ability, health and stamina. There will be an open session for limited number of singers to work with Estill Master Trainer Sanders Whiting.
Please contact me with questions.